You knew it was going to come to this, didn't you? In the aftermath of the terrorist attack in Tucson that left six Americans dead and thirteen injured, the pleas are coming in by the boatload for everyone to "work together" and "respect our differences" and a whole grab bag full of platitudes that would make Rodney King blush.
What the mainstream media and a sizable majority of those who've chimed in on various social networks are yet to either realize (or lack the courage to admit) is that this is not like 9/11, or Hurricane Katrina, or the Haitian Earthquake or any other tragic event that required humanity to rise to the occasion. Not in the least.
We still don't know all of the details about what accused terrorist Jared Loughner had going in on his obviously twisted head. We're not privy to whatever sick inspirations took hold of him and forced him to act as he did. But what we do know is that Tea-Party inspired violence, both threatened and carried out, has been escalating sharply over the last two years, in the aftermath of the election of a black man with an Arabic name who has the audacity to prohibit Big Insurance from denying health-care coverage based on preexisting conditions.
If you want an actual, chronological rundown of the insanity, you can find two very comprehensive ones here and here. But if you've been paying even the slightest bit of attention for the last 20 months or so, you don't need a rundown in front of you to know exactly what I'm talking about.
Is there any doubt in your mind that the Sarah Palins and Michelle Bachmans and Jim DeMints and Glen Becks of the world weren't pissing their pants in anxiety waiting for a connection between Loughner and a formal Tea Party organization? Be honest - what was your first reaction when you heard the news? I know mine. I texted my family "Tea Party shot a Congresswoman (D-WA)". And you know what? I ain't going to apologize for making such a claim. Even if Rush Limbaugh didn't specifically pull the trigger.
Loughner may not have been a died-in-the wool Tea Party activist (after all, he was at one point intelligent enough to be admitted to community college, and he's too young for adult diapers) but make no mistake - it was the Tea Party's demonizing of the institution of Congress that made Gabrielle Giffords a viable target for his rage.
This is why these phony calls for "tolerance" and "working together" are an insult to everybody who never advocated bringing a loaded weapon to events where the President of the United States was speaking. If I steal my neighbor's car and he calls the police on me, should my defense be "Well I guess we need to learn how to be better neighbors?"
Make no mistake about it: The vitriol from the Left for George W Bush was just as bad as the Right's for Barack Obama. I actually saw a bumper sticker on some yokel's pickup that made me laugh not that long ago: "I'll Treat Your President with the Same Respect You Treated Mine". That's fair. I'm not going to stoop to the level of the Iraqi babykilling yellow ribbon crowd and throw a faux "Love it or Leave It!" in their faces. I don't expect everyone in America to share my beliefs and I would never deny somebody their birthright to be pissed off at the state of the world.
But can you point me in the direction of those Republican Congressional Headquarters that were vandalized during the Iraq debate?
Can you let me hear the voicemails that called Colin Powell a "filthy N-Word" when he committed the second major war crime in his life?
Do you have footage of any liberals acting like Ritalin-deprived bipolar kindergartners throwing hissy fits at Tom DeLay's town hall meetings?
Violence and Hatred is not a bipartisan problem and should not be treated as such until liberals start opening fire on the Tea Party. Now is not the time for bipartisan come-together-lovie-dovie bullshit. It's time for the conservatives to start acting like mature, civilized, decent human beings.
I’ve come to grips with the root of my distress as it relates to these murders in Tucson. I wish that I could take the moral high ground and point my finger at the new breed of bloodthirsty fascists that are presently wriggling their way though the bowels of the Tea Party. I wish that I could distance myself from their actions and speak out with righteous indignation about the culture of hate, racism, and violence that “THEY” have created. The problem is that I can’t, you see, I’m more to blame for these murders than the tea partiers who used hate speech to incite them. If those on the far right are completely lost and those at the right of center (The Democrats) are ineffectual and benign, then the only minds that can be counted and considered present in the national discourse are those on the left. Blaming our present political players for these tragic deaths is the equivalent of blaming a two year old in a high chair for making a mess of his dinner. You simply can’t, children need to be looked after, guided, and when necessary, punished by the adults that have been left (no pun intended) in charge of them. We are the adults; the responsibility lies with us.
ReplyDeleteYou are correct my friend, progressives in this country are neither threatening nor dangerous, the problem is,………… we should be. We should be a constant threat to intolerance. We should be an ever-present danger to social injustice. Until we are, we will always be an easy mark for murderous, bullying, cowards and their violent outbursts. There will be no real backlash as a result of these deaths. There will be platitudes and media-ready handholding and once the news cycle is over it will be back to business as usual. I know this, and therefore I am to blame for these tragedies.
However, because we live in America, I still have the ability to make a choice. I choose to fight with and for those who would fight for me. I choose ethics, social justice, and environmental responsibility. I will do everything within my power to aid in the creation of a left of center, progressive political party free from the shackles of corporate plutocracy. I will choose and vote Green. Never again will I sit back and be complicit in the lethal status quo…………………………. never again.
Funny you should mention this Rich. I was thinking on my way home yesterday that of all places, the best possible areas to make some electoral noise from the left are areas just like "home": The New Jersey 5th. Garrett country.