Thursday, May 20, 2010

Music Madness: Charlottesville Region: Round 2

One extremely competitive match between two heavy hitters, but the other three contests were so lopsided that President Obama would be jealous. The only thing of import there is that the 1 seed in the region has yet to record a shutout. Is that a harbinger of things to come?

As the framers would say, Rules and Criteria can be found here.

(3) Pink Floyd v (6) Phish. Phish pays the bill for their controversial Round One victory over Public Enemy. There's no category here that they're remotely competitive in. I'd explain about personal connection to Floyd, but the internets really isn't the best place for that. 

(1) Dave Matthews Band v (8) Elvis Presley. For the second straight round, DMB concedes the historical impact category. Maybe it's just the draw. Maybe it's a potentially fatal flaw. Lucky for them, it's only 1 point, while they rank at or near the top in "connection". They move on. 

(2) The Doors v (7) Jay-Z. I give Jay Z the Impact. You kind of have to. Being older doesn't mean being better. I also give him the Song. Boy it's tough to go against "Empire" isn't it? But the Doors take the Album, The Doors,  the collection, since everything they've cut is a timeless classic, and the personal connection, as I remember being told by a nun in 8th grade that "Jim Morrison is not a positive role model". I'd love to have that conversation with her today, as my retort would be  at least he was never a Nazi.

(4) U2 v (5) Billy Joel. This was probably the closest "Entire Collection" decision to this point. Both contestants rank really high, like Top 15 high or better if you were to rank the whole field 1-64. After spending about a full commute thinking about it, I have to give the category to the Piano Man. There are no real holes in his collection, as U2 has a pretty gaping one, in my mind, from 1993 - 2000. Granted Billy Joel hasn't exactly been churning out the albums for the past 20 years, but at least he doesn't have any that suck (*cough* Zooropa and Pop). 3 for the Pride of Long Island. 
The Irish strike back though, when we get to the album category. Joshua Tree - by a margin so thin you'd expect anorexia - over The Stranger. 2 points to U2. Seriously, Joshua Tree might be in the Top 10 all time. U2 also claims victory when it comes to the defining song. I love a lot of Billy Joel songs, and my favorite just might be "Leningrad". But it's impossible to say his defining song is anything other than "Piano Man". And as much as I love that as well, I prefer the anthem "Pride (In the Name of Love)".
Impact was another tough decision, but I go with U2 simply for their global appeal. Billy Joel may be a bigger name in the States (debatable, cause I am prone to a very justifiable NY bias). But U2's arguably the biggest active band in the world.
All of this brings us to a 4-3 lead for Bono and company, with only personal connection left. I have a strong connection to U2. One of the 10, maybe 5 best concerts I've ever seen (though Billy ranks nearly as high). They're Irish. They're political. But I bought Billy Joel's Greatest Hits: Volume I & II at the Sam Goody in the Paramus Park Mall in 1989 and I don't think I've gone more than 2 weeks in my life w/o listening to Billy since. "Scenes from an Italian Restaraunt" was one of the 5 most played songs after Midnight of my collegiate life. "We Didn't Start The Fire" is the same for gatherings with my in-laws. Billy is King.

The Sweet 16 in C-Ville:
(1) DMB v (4) Billy Joel. I smell some serious vulnerability for the top dog.
(2) The Doors v (3) Pink Floyd. I'm facing some Long, Seriously Deep thinking on this one.

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