Jobs make a great campaign issue. For simple people trying to reach even simpler people, it's quite easy to get on the campaign trail or cable news and say "Mr. President, Where Are The Jobs?" For starters, it's what Republicans like best: A shortcut to thinking. Secondly, it fits with their attention span: "You're With Us, or Your With the Terrorists", "These Colors Don't Run", "Love It or Leave It", and if you really want to stretch the conservative syllabic limits: "Why Do I Have To Press 1 If I Want To Speak English?". But much like the rest of the red carribou meat they feed to their base, once you take the plunge and vote against your own interests, you find out that really, it's just another load of mooseshit.
Up until, and through, election night, the message emanating from the right was "Jobs, Jobs, Jobs". But it quickly became all about abortion, unions and spending once the gavel was passed. It's one thing to ignore the issue outright, but in their first major attempt at legislating, Speaker Boner and his merry band of lunatics not only ignored the alleged most important issue facing the nation, but actually introduced a budget's incomprehensibly counter-intuitive to job creation:
Moody’s chief economist, Mark Zandi, projected that the House proposal would cut real GDP growth by 0.5 percent in 2011 and 0.2 percent in 2012. That, in turn, would lead to 400,000 fewer jobs being created than expected by the end of this year and a total of 700,000 fewer jobs by the end of 2012.
"The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president." -- Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY)
Yet somehow, for reasons a logical human being struggles to understand, this is the party that's routinely associated with "Patriotism". If it wasn't so heart breaking, it'd be laughable. The biggest nightmare for the GOP is a 2012 electoral cycle with unemployment trending downward, a majority of Americans liking the idea that they are no longer slaves to the health insurance industry, and fewer troops in harm's way in the Middle East. And they're not about to let that happen.
Face it, the only "Job" the Republicans have ever been concerned with was the one Monica gave Bill. Their base, their bread and butter, hasn't been impacted by the recession in the slightest. Stocks are up and banks are profitable. The only "adverse" impact their donors have felt was Congress' attempts to regulate them from pulling off the same schemes that led to the global financial meltdown in the first place.
John Boehner does not care if you have a job. In fact, John Boehner prefers that you don't have a job - and to boot - you can't collect unemployment benefits, because John Boehner thinks that under those circumstances, you're much more likely to blame the black guy with the funny name than you are the people who created this mess in the first place.
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